Friday, August 9, 2024

Tour Wrap Up: The Storm Breaks by Valerie Storm


 Demon Storm, Book 6

Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: 07-13-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing


Wolf and demon born…

…under storm the land is torn.

Tendrils of darkness reach from the depths of her mind and shadows flicker around every corner. Still reeling from Raven’s horrific display of power, Kari suffers in silence.

When Guine finally returns with stories of a mirror that could help him with his problems, Kari finds herself hoping that maybe, just maybe, it could help with hers as well.

With the promise of a relatively straightforward outing, Kari, Ari, and Guine set forth to find the mirror.

But what they find beyond the looking-glass threatens not only Kari and her sanity, but also the world she loves.

Currently a 5* Rating on Amazon

Did you miss any of the stops on this Tour?

July 15 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

July 16 - Nana's Book Reviews - Spotlight

July 17 - Our Town Book Reviews - Excerpt

July 18 - Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

July 19 - Texas Book Nook - Review

July 22 - Books Blog - Spotlight

July 23 - My Reading Addiction - Interview

July 24 - Sapphyria's Book - Spotlight

July 25 - Novel News Network - Review

July 26 - Momma Says to Read or Not to Read - Spotlight

July 29 - Ella English - Excerpt

July 30 - Matters That Count - Spotlight

July 31 - The Avid Reader - Interview

August 2 - On a Reading Bender - Review

August 5 - Crossroad Reviews - Spotlight

August 6 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

August 7 - The Faerie Review - Spotlight

August 8 - The Indie Express - Review

About the Author

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a place to call home.


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